It only takes a few minutes to Sears Credit Card Pay Bill, if you have a complete idea of how to do it. So, if you do, good, but if you don’t, our guide will help you. That’s a lot of product, right, so if you make it your next shopping destination, you would probably make a big purchase. The company offers several credit cards as well, so if you use them, not only your purchase would be more convenient, you will get rewards as well.
So, to avail of such great benefits and more, get a card by applying online and then register it. The process is short and simple. You can do it whether you have a card in your hand or not. Just select the one you have and fill a short form.
To pay the bill, you first have to get into your account. For this, open the login page, and select the card you have. There are five options given, you have to choose the one you have. Then, you can get access by entering your user ID and password. Then, on the landing page, navigate to the payment section and pay your bill.
You can pay for your order using the gift card as well, but if you have an international payment, you can’t do so, it might be allowed in the future. The other way to pay the bill is to mail a check. Mail addresses are provided for each card, and if you want to make an overnight payment, there are different addresses. If you wish to dispute a bill, you are provided with an option for this.
If you have any questions or you need assistance with payment, you can contact Citibank directly, as it handles the brand’s cards. You are provided with phone numbers and mail addresses.